Happy Ending From Sad Ending
Name. : Mochammad Faisal Hakim Number : 21 Class. : X MIPA 1 Text Happy Ending From Sad Ending: The Scluptor Someday there is a story of the loneliness of a sculptor, who is hurt by the name of waiting. His life moved, he made the wind as the direction, the sky as the roof of the house and the earth was used as a step to stand on. When he was bored, a large boulder fell, which accidentally fell from the sky. The sculptor was confused to see the stone. He was also amazed why there was a stone so strong and tough to break. Will he break the stone into small chunks to build a house or carve into a statue of an angel that he dreams of. If everyone is asked, the answer will be a house not a statue. It is strange that this sculptor, he did not make it home, he carved the stone into a statue of a beautiful smiling angel. One day he would like to see this statue every day and talk to it when it is fully formed. A year he tr...